On March 5th Milan Škoro held his traditional lecture for graduate students of https://www.ict.edu.rs/, one of Belgrade’s renowned IT Colleges. This tradition was established in 2012, with the goal of preparing students for the business world that awaits them. Each year the lectures have evolved, this year concentrating primarily on communications with potential employers and the job interview itself.
Contemporary IT schools’ programs are providing fantastic technical education while trying to keep pace with the ever-changing world of popular technologies and tools. Unfortunately, topics such as communication skills, workplace ethics, project management, and understanding of how businesses function are not covered. It has been a long-time initiative of professor Dr. Nenad Kojić to bring outside lecturers and selecting themes to complement the technical side of education.
In his everyday work, Milan receives numerous emails from job seekers. His opinion on the quality of the correspondence received from graduate students is quite disappointing. Experienced candidates are generally aware of what a CV and Cover letter should contain. Milan says that this knowledge is a consequence of being exposed to business communication and work-related expectations. Quadro Consulting has a set of training for new employees, covering topics including E-mail etiquette, Awareness, and Security, understanding the US and Western Business Culture to name a few.
During the lecture, some of these topics were touched on in the lecture for students. Yet, the focal point was demystifying the job interview, and covering steps from general to concrete preparations for the interview. We tried to explain all key moments of the interview and explain the thought process of the employer. Milan hopes the students had as much fun as he had with the next generation of engineers.